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How to Keep Children Safe During the Pandemic and Beyond

The Scottish Government has launched a campaign to help children and young people recognise the signs of online harms including sexual abuse and exploitation, and the publication of an inquiry into historical sexual abuse in football.

The Stop It Now! helpline has stayed open throughout the pandemic to help prevent child sexual abuse.

Our anonymous and confidential helpline is here for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse prevention, including parents, carers and professionals.

If you’re not ready to speak to someone or don’t want to, you can use our new live chat or secure messaging service. [We post] key advice for parents and carers on how to keep their children safe during the pandemic and beyond. Including, how to spot warning signs of abuse, the importance of open communication and how to report issues.

Click on the image below for a guide for parents, carers and professionals to help them be aware of the risks of harmful sexual behaviour in children and young people, so that they know what they can do to prevent it.

Click for a full list of training courses available -

For more information and to book on any of the above courses, please get in touch with the @StopItNowUK training team, call 01527 406 912 or visit the website.






Trust and Respect,
