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Google - Update to Terms of Service

A message to parents/carers from our rector -

Dear Parent/Carer,

Due to Google updating their Terms & Conditions since September 1st to require parental consent for the use of what are known as Additional Google Services, access to these Google services has been closed to under 18.

These include apps such as YouTube, Google Earth, Maps etc. A number of these apps have become integral to the delivery of learning in the school. However, in order to give our young people access to these services again I need parental consent. Rather than send every parent a consent form listing all 50+ services I will assume consent is given unless you contact me by Friday 24th September to say that you do not want your child accessing these services.

A full list of all the services involved can be shared on request. If you do wish to discuss this further please contact the main school number 01356237100 or email brechinhigh@angusschools.org.uk

A Bathgate

Head Teacher





Trust and Respect,
